Parent/Teacher Conferences.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
1 HMS student tested positive for Covid. All close contacts have been notified. Nurse Megan Kulczycki is the Highland School District Point of Contact. You can reach her at: 870-847-2687 or at
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
The Highland School District offers a full-time virtual option for K-12 students through Highland Virtual Academy. If you are interested in applying, please contact your child's school for information.
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Goodson
STUDENT and PARENT COVID VACCINE CLINIC: 1st Choice Healthcare in Ash Flat will have a Covid vaccine clinic FRIDAY, MARCH 18, for Highland students ages 5 and older and parents/guardians at no cost! The Pfizer vaccine is approved for students 5 and up and will be the only vaccine administered to students 17 and younger. We encourage you to call 994-2202 to schedule an appointment! Parents must accompany any student under 18 and complete a consent form. Everyone will be required to wait 15 minutes after the shot for observation. Highland students receiving the initial vaccine doses can show their vaccine card to school office staff and receive a $25 gift card.
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Goodson
The Sr High Quiz Bowl team finished in second place at the AGQBA Sr High Regional Quiz Bowl Tournament in Pocahontas on March 15th, and earned a place in the AGQBA State Tournament. Luke Bruner and Kadyn Dienst were two of four players named ALL Tournament players. Congratulations!!!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
1 CES student tested positive for Covid. All close contacts have been notified. Nurse Megan Kulczycki is the Highland School District Point of Contact. You can reach her at: 870-847-2687 or at
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Dennis Sublett is one of the February recipients of the 'Above and Beyond' recognitions at Highland High School. Congratulations and thanks for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Taci Humphries, Nick Burrill, and Jake Herrington are the February recipients of the 'Above and Beyond' recognitions at Highland High School. Congratulations and thanks for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Amy Rodola, Kim Frame and Jamie Reuter are the February recipients of the 'Above and Beyond' recognitions at Highland Middle School. Congratulations and thanks for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Lindsay Yates and Jamie Gould are the February recipients of the 'Above and Beyond' recognitions at Cherokee Elementary School. Congratulations and thanks for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
The Highland School District will dismiss today at 1:00 pm. Buses will dismiss from High School at 1:00 pm-High School car riders will be dismissed after buses at High School. Elementary car and activity riders will be dismissed at 1:00 pm. We will follow the normal dismissal pattern starting at 1:00 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
The Highland School District will hold Parent-Teacher Conferences on Friday, March 18, from 10 am - 6 pm. School will not be in session that day. The buildings will be open to all parents/guardians. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school.
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Goodson
CES Tutoring Dismissal: For the safety of our students, we need parents/guardians to please remain in their vehicles during dismissal. Please pull under the awning and we will dismiss your student to you from the designated cones. We will begin dismissing at 4:30. Thank you for helping us ensure the safety of our students.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Students in kindergarten through sixth grade interested in taking part in the spring musical will meet next week along with their parents/guardians to sign up. Please come after school to the high school choir room at 3:30pm. Monday, March 7 : kindergarten, first , and second grades Tuesday, March 8: fifth and sixth grade Thursday, March 10: third and fourth grades
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Highland Band Concert. Sunday, March 6, 2022. 2:30 pm at the A.L. Hutson Center.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
22-23 Highland Rebel Cheerleading Tryouts For students entering grades 7-12 Mandatory Parent Meeting- March 2, 2022 at 5:30 at HMS Gym March 7th & 9th 3:30 to 5:30 Pre-Clinic Tryouts held at HMS GYM March 14th 3:30-5:30 Mock Tryouts held at HMS GYM March 16th 3:30-??? Tryouts held at HMS Gym Please contact coaches with any questions or for addition information: Jennifer Ladd- Jessica.Cooper-
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
1 district staff member tested positive for Covid. All close contacts have been notified. Nurse Megan Kulczycki is the Highland School District Point of Contact. You can reach her at: 870-847-2687 or at
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Cherokee Elementary will be taking calls for classroom teacher requests for the 2022-23 school year from Monday, March 7th through Friday, April 1st. The office can be contacted at 870-257-3118.
almost 3 years ago, Jon Gotte
22-23 Highland Rebel Cheerleading Tryouts For students entering grades 7-12 Mandatory Parent Meeting- March 2, 2022 at 5:30 at HMS Gym March 7th & 9th 3:30 to 5:30 Pre-Clinic Tryouts held at HMS GYM March 14th 3:30-5:30 Mock Tryouts held at HMS GYM March 16th 3:30-??? Tryouts held at HMS Gym Please contact coaches with any questions or for addition information: Jennifer Ladd- Jessica.Cooper-
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Make plans to attend the Highland Band Concert on Sunday, March 6, 2022. The concert will be held at the A.L.Hutson Center starting at 2:30 pm. Beginning, junior and senior bands will perform.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Lewis