Cherokee Elementary and Highland Middle School after school tutoring is cancelled today due to the possibility of inclement weather.
1 HHS student tested positive for Covid. All close contacts have been notified. Nurse Megan Kulczycki is the Highland School District Point of Contact. You can reach her at: 870-847-2687 or at
The Highland School District is aware of the forecasted weather for Wednesday, April 13, 2022. The District will continue to monitor the weather and provide stakeholders with updates as necessary.
The Highland Sr. High Quiz Bowl team recently competed in the AGQBA State Tournament. Team members include: Evan Bruner, Luke Bruner, Kadyn Dienst, Camelia Eheart, Connor Galbreath, Nona Huffmaster, Rilee Morgan and Kambelle Pearson. Luke Bruner and Kadyn Dienst were named to the All-Tournament Team.
Congratulations to Ean Malone for winning the 5th place math award at the Arkansas State Beta Convention and qualifying for the National Jr. Beta competition in June.
Congratulations to Connor Galbreath who placed 5th in the State Beta Convention Social Studies academic competition. Go Rebels!
7th Grade Parents,
The field trip for the 150,000 word reward will be this Thursday, April 14th. For any questions contact the Middle School Office at 870-856-3284.
1 HMS staff member tested positive for Covid. All close contacts have been notified. Nurse Megan Kulczycki is the Highland School District Point of Contact. You can reach her at: 870-847-2687 or at
Update for parents whose child/student recently turned 11 or 16, is new to the district or will be in 7th grade wanting to participate in the upcoming vaccine clinic. The date has moved from April 20 to May 3. Paperwork was sent in the mail. If you need another copy or if you have questions please contact your building nurse. Paperwork is due by Wednesday, April 6th.
Tomorrow's field trip for 8th Grade has been postponed to next Tuesday, April 12th due to weather.
Today's field trip for 7th Grade has been postponed to next Monday, April 11th due to weather.
Congratulations to Greyson Gibson! Greyson will play football next year at Lyon College.
Parents of seniors:
Please remind your senior that many scholarships are due this week / month. If you have any questions, contact Kelly Mahaffey at 870-856-3273 or
Parents of seniors:
Information about graduation, senior reception, senior signing, scholarships, and important dates can be found in the Class of 2022 link on the Highland High School page of the district website.
Spring pictures for Cherokee Elementary are postponed until April 22nd. Middle school spring pictures are still scheduled for tomorrow, March 31st.
Cherokee Elementary and Highland Middle School after school tutoring is cancelled today due to the possibility of inclement weather.
Parents of current 3rd-11th grade students:
The Highland Gifted and Talented Program (HIGATE) is currently accepting referrals for students to participate in the Highland School District Gifted & Talented Program. The program is designed to serve high potential students who demonstrate above average (1) intellectual ability, (2) task commitment and/or motivation, and (3) creativity. The process is non-discriminatory and open to all students. If you would like to refer a student for testing, please click the link below and fill out the Referral Form. The deadline for referrals is Friday, April 8.
Parents, if your child has recently turned 11 or 16, is new to the district, or will be in 7th grade next year, he/she may be due for vaccinations. The nurses have mailed out information regarding a clinic and what vaccinations are needed, so please be checking your mailboxes and return the paperwork ASAP. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse. This clinic is for state-required vaccinations only.
The Highland School District is seeking public comments on the recently revised Ready for Learning / Continuity of Services Plan. Please click the link below for information on the plan and how to leave a comment.