If you received an award in the sports banquet tonight, please pick up your award in the lower parking lot of the A.L. Hutson between 9-12 tomorrow morning.
Join us for the virtual 2020 Sports Banquet!
Don’t forget we have lunch and snack bags at our regular locations today from 11-12!
Students, now that College/Concurrent and Virtual courses are over, we need to collect all books used for these courses.
Please drive by Tuesday, May 12 between 9am & 2pm and drop off your books on the table that will be set up outside by Mrs. Wiggins exterior door.
We will not be picking up chromebooks or Verizon MiFi devices until after the last day of school (May 22). We will send out additional information at that time.
Highland School District Family Check-In
CES has made plans for pick-up of personal items. Get all of the details here: https://www.highlandrebels.org/article/244120?org=cherokee-elementary We are still working on plans at the other buildings and will release those when they are finalized.
Don’t forget- Spring Sports Uniform return is TODAY 9-11 am lower level of the AL Hutson, and football players need to pick up their fundraiser items for distribution.
HHS Faculty/Staff Messages to Students. Today's message is from Mr. MacDonald.
Wednesday May 6th is National Nurses Day. Thank you to our Nurses at Highland!!!!
Highland School District Family Check-In
HHS Faculty/Staff Messages to Students. Today's message is from Ashley Lewis.
HHS Faculty/Staff Messages to Students.
Today's message is from Mr. Taylor.
Update: Williford library wifi password is Quick100
Meals will be at our locations 11-12 today! You can also turn in AMI packets at those locations during that time. Williford residents- Mayor Forehand shared the library’s wifi password! It is quick1234
HHS Faculty/Staff Messages to Students. Today's message is from Mrs. Mize.
Please return your library books in any AMI drop box! We've created two additional AMI drop boxes. One is at the middle school side entrance by the front parking lot. The other is at the high school front doors.
Highland School District Family Check-In - We will be sending this form out each week to stay in contact and see how we can help you during this time.
Highland Assembly is serving 200 grab-and-go meals from 5pm - 6pm tomorrow at their church located at 33 Meadowbrook Dr. in Highland. Meals are free and open to people of all ages. They will also send a few things home for the weekend.
Kindergarten pre-registration is online! Know someone with a child entering kindergarten next year? Send them this link to pre-registration. https://forms.gle/8AqCU4NnPBANt8dv7